Sunday, February 8, 2009

DRINKS - Fentimans Sodas

I can safely say that other than the occasional rum and coke or dark and stormy I rarely drink sodas; that has changed since I came across these wonderfully wickedly packaged sodas from the UK at Urban fare in the Shangri-La complex. You can only think of endless possibilities with the drinks cabinet marriage and friends fascination with the apothecary packaging. Fentimans botanically brewed sodas are artisan produced in Newcaste Upon Tyne, based on an original 1905 recipe, when Thomas Fentiman on a handshake started his firm producing ginger beer. The concept of small batch 7 day brewing of herbs, botanicals, sugar, and yeast has not changed much in the last century other than for some pasteurisation (keeps the government happy). These sodas are completely natural and you may find a fine sediment in the occasional bottle hence the words of the wise imprinted on the label "up end before pouring" I picked up a four pack of Curiosity Cola and Dandelion & Burdock but according to the company website there is a strong ginger beer, shandy, and lemonade also available.I did see the latter two at Urban Fare. Not cheap at $3.75 per 275ml bottle but tasty indeed. These sodas are mildly carbonated, not overly sweet, and complexly flavoured. Adult fizzy drinks your children will not drink! I'm imagining these at our summer picnics, mixed with gin, and contemplating re-reading Wind in the Willows with the image of the rats running amok in Toad Hall with bottles of Fentimans in hand.

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